Using StartPanelPrefs
StartPanelPrefs Icon

Before loading StartPanelPrefs you should ensure that it's stack is set to at least 10000. StartPanelPrefs uses NList.mcc which requires a very large stack, 10000 is probably a minimum - I use 30000 to be sure. Once loaded, StartPanelPrefs will load your StartPanel configuration automatically.

StartPanelPrefs, Entry Page

This screenshot shows the Entry page of the main StartPanelPrefs window. Here you can manage the list of applications shown in StartPanel's window (Click on it for a larger picture).

  • Add will create a new entry and bring up the edit window (see below).
  • Copy makes an exact duplicate of the entry you have selected in the list (no "copy of.." is inserted into the name)
  • Edit opens the edit window for the selected entry. You can also double click on an entry to edit it.
  • Delete removes the selected entry from the list

The Entry window allows you to set the preferences for each item in the application list. it is very similar to the edit windows of other application launchers like ToolManager and ScreenTab

  • Name is the text which will be shown in the gadget for this entry in StartPanel.
  • Image is the datatypes loaded image which will be shown to the left of the entry text.
  • Type sets the launch method - Workbench or Shell.
  • Current Dir allows you to set the directory where the command is started from.
  • Command is the command itself.
  • Output allows you to specify a file or CON: for messages from shell programs.
  • Stack and Priority allow you to adjust the programs, um, stack and priority!
StartPanelPrefs, Edit window
StartPanelPrefs, Prefs Page

The "Prefs" page of StartPanelPrefs allows you to adjust many of the features of StartPanel. They all have detailed bubble help, so I will not list them here. You should note however that the "Hacks" options should only be used if you absolutely need the functions. They are features not directly possible via the operating system or MUI and they may conflict with other programs on your system. This is particularly true of the Keep To Front option which may cause problems with MagicMenus and some intuition and workbench functions (specifically icon dragging).

See the ToolTypes and Arexx section for more details about the HeavyWindow option.

The network page provides options for interfacint StartPanel to a TCP/IP stack, as well as adjusting whether the online timer is active (and it's format). The online timer format supports the same options as the normal clock, but I don't expect you will need the "week", "month" or "year" display!

See the section on interfacing StartPanel to a TCP stack for details about the Scripts options.

StartPanelPrefs, Network page
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